Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The Meet and Greet Venue is the New BELMONT School!!

We Just came back from a tour of the 50th reunion venue and it is amazing. The word is getting out and we already have over 10 confirmations! Comment below and reach out and get registered on our Sister Site SPREAD THE WORD!!


  1. K...being a troglodyte on all things electronic... where do we say we is coming...

    1. Dear troglodyte, you may register your intent using the form on the right side of the blog page, or you may register at our Sister Site. Link is in the post you commented on. Thanks, ADMIN.

    2. Troglodyte managed to figure it out...woot woot..


Please Help Your 50th Reunion Committee!!

Get your payment in so the hard working volunteers can cover the costs of holding this event and ensure there is lots of food! Also please t...